IFAS Computer Coordinators - Active Directory Sub-Committee


Monday, February 23, 2004 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Entomology Large Conference Room (Bldg. 970 - Rm 1014)



            I.      IFAS account provisioning

         II.      Finalize IFAS AD People OU structure and naming convention

     III.      Update on UF AD implementation

a.      Licensing status

b.     Remote domain controller security

       IV.      Update of IFAS “test” admin accounts for UFAD

a.      IFAS Administrative accounts

b.     Discuss tasks, roles, scope for IFAS and sub-unit administration


          V.      Review timeline for IFAS AD implementation


       VI.      Immediate budget needs

a.      Software/ Hardware / Training


   VII.      Committee Assignments

a.      Presentation to Department Heads - K. Hill


VIII.      Next Meeting

       IX.      Adjourn