IFAS Computer Coordinators - Active Directory Sub-Committee


Thursday, Sep 9, 2004 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Room 1306 – Fifield



Apologies to remote participants. Due to an ITNS staff shortage on meeting day, streaming audio and Netmeeting services were not available. Polycom video was also not available.


I.                        IFAS Migration Update

a.      IFASDOM user account sidHistory and security group migration was completed on 9/1. Unclaimed user accounts have been converted to service accounts. Unclaimed groups will be converted to distribution groups. No new accounts are being created in IFASDOM.


b.     UFAD accounts can now be used to access IFAS resources. Unit admins should add  the GLID of new users to the local admin group of the machine(s) that they will log into, and send the GLID to Chris Hughes so that an Exchange account can be created. Admins can add the groups migrated to UFAD to the permissions of IFASDOM network resources that they need to access.


c.      Win9x sidHistory – “IFAS Users” group: IFASDOM resources that are permissioned with “Domain Users” should be re-permissioned to include “UFAD\IFAS Users”.


d.     Win9x/NT login scripts: IFAS login scripts in UFAD have been modified to support Win98 clients.


e.      Enumerating share permissions: Shares on user workstations (printers, etc.) need to be enumerated in order to re-permission after the migration. This won’t be automatic.


f.       Exchange Migration: will begin Sept. 30


g.     Unit migration schedule – on schedule as planned.


h.     DC & MP server deployment schedule – Dell order was lost and has been re-submitted. Not expected to delay deployment. Server enclosures have been shipped to the remote sites for installation by 10/22. Servers will be installed by 11/29.


i.        Class roll autogroups are being provisioned in UFAD. Should be available tomorrow.


j.       November 11th meeting has been rescheduled for Friday, November 12th from 1-3PM due to the Veteran’s Day Holiday


II.               Meeting Adjourned