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Notes from 1-10-03 AD meeting:

ICC-AD Subcommittee


A meeting of the ICC Active Directory Subcommittee was held on Friday, January 10th, 2003. The meeting was chaired and called to order by Kevin Hill, at 10:00 a.m. in the Fifield Conference Room, room 1304.

PRESENT: Twenty people participated. Remote ICC participants: David Ayers, Jack Kramer. On-site ICC participants: David Bauldree, Benjamin Beach, Dan Cromer, Dean Delker, Joe Hayden, Kevin Hill, Mike Kanofsky, Claude King, Steve Lasley, Chris Leopold, Tim Nance, Marshall Pierce, Mark Ross, John Sawyer. Visitors: Chris Bushong from Dimension Data, David Gagne and Joe Gasper from Finance & Administration, Mark Palmer from the Provost.

NOTES: No minutes were taken. (Audio record of meetings is available online at http://icc.ifas.ufl.edu/AD/ADmeetings/ADaudio.htm.)

IFAS Key AD Design Requirements:

  1. AD authentication must not rely on WAN links.
  2. LAN resources at remote sites are always available locally (esp. student labs).
  3. Replication traffic is minimized.
  4. Current level of functionality (under NT4 domain) is maintained.
  5. No loss of local control for unit admins.
  6. Mechanism for oversight of policy and procedure affecting AD forest and domain function is established and participatory in nature.

last edited 14 January 2004 by Steve Lasley