ICC-AD Subcommittee
A meeting of the ICC Active Directory Subcommittee was held on Thursday, November 7th, 2002. The meeting was chaired and called to order by Kevin Hill, at 1:45 p.m. in the Fifield Conference Room, room 1304.
PRESENT: Five members participated. Remote participants: none. On-site participants: Kevin Hill, Dwight Jesseman, Mike Kanofsky, Steve Lasley, John Sawyer
ABSENT: Dean Delker, Sherry Hays, Claude King, Jack Kramer, Chris Leopold, Tim Nance, Mark Ross.
NOTES: Minutes from previous meeting were approved without comment. (Audio record of meetings is available online at http://icc.ifas.ufl.edu/AD/ADmeetings/ADaudio.htm.)
Prior to the meeting the Chairman solicited a volunteer to take notes in absence of a secretary. Steve Lasley offered to do so--these are the result.
Meeting was called to order and agendas were distributed by the chairman. (The agenda is available online at http://icc.ifas.ufl.edu/AD/ADmeetings/ADmeetings.htm.)
Old Business:
Steve Lasley reported continuing need to push the AD initiative with administration.
Kevin Hill had not yet prepared WAN upgrade costs.
Sherry Hays was unavailable to report on training proposals and costs.
Chris Leoplold was unavailable to report on enumeration progress.
Steve Lasley reported that little had been done on documentation as very little actual progress had been made by the committee. A few AD resource links have been added, however.
New Business:
Kevin Hill reported on theOctober 18 discussion meeting held on the UF AD project. Report was positive--things seem to be moving. However, since that time there has been basically no news. Need for continued involved was stressed.
Continued AD Design Discussions:
It was decided that most of the details might as well wait until we hear back from UF with their input.
Sites and site topology proposals were discussed. IFAS WAN details are available, courtesy of Jennifer, in an Excel file at \\ad.ufl.edu\ifas\PRIVATE\ICC\OldADplanningShare\ad.xls
Committee Assignments:
- Steve -
- Try to arrange meeting between ICC representatives and the VP regarding the AD initiative and budget via contacting Jim Syvertsen--chairman of ITPAC
- Kevin -
- Solicit update from UF AD project
- Get WAN upgrade cost estimates for research stations
- Work on site topology plan
Next ICC-AD meeting is on hold until we get movement on budget from IFAS and planning at UF level.
The meeting was adjourned by the Chairman.