Notes from March 21, 2002 ITPAC Meeting:
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- (from best recollection of Steve Lasley and John Sawyer)
Please note: 4 of the last 5 items listed require your input!
- A number of ITPAC (
seats are open (1 At Large,
1 At Large Faculty, 1 Student Representative, 1 Faculty Representative), but
nothing definite was decided about filling them.
- An ITPAC listserv will be instituted for communication among the
- Larry Halsey wishes to step down as Chairman. Jim Syvertsen of the Lake
Alfred Citrus REC was drafted for the position of new Chairman. Dr.
Syvertsen was not present, but was represented in the meeting by Mike
Armstrong. Moral: go to meetings.
- Work is in progress to move the county Internet connections to ADSL where
available with reportedly considerable cost savings and better throughput.
According to Dan Cromer, IT/NS's WAN crew, Jennifer Xu and Claude King, are
hard at work on this. VPN connection to campus services will be part of this
- Internal Management Memorandum 6C1-1.50-1 describing the mission of ITPAC
was reviewed and approved as is without amendment.
- Dan Cromer, the IFAS Acting Director of IT, was asked to introduce himself
and to describe the current organization of IFAS IT. Dan's background
includes having retired from Director of Information Resources with the
School Board of Alachua County. He was hired first as the Assistant Director
mainly concerned with developing the Help Desk, then he became Acting
Director. He described IFAS IT as being divided into four main groups: the
Help Desk under Ben Beach, the LAN group under Chris Leopold (also including
server support such as Exchange and IIS), the WAN group under Jennifer and
Claude, and Software Systems under Pete Kearney. Software Systems itself is
rather complicatedly arranged. It has two main groups: Business Systems and
Academic Software (discussion on changing this latter name took place).
Academic Software used to be entirely under Howard Beck, but now Dan has
designated a main person for each of its four divisions: FAS
under Richard Lee, FAWN
( under Andy King, DDIS
( under Jiannong Xin, and EDIS
( under Petraq Papajorgji.
It was mentioned that
IFAS has five district support staff that each cover many county offices:
Josh Wilson, Dwight Jesseman, Valerie Carter, David Ayers and Francis
Ferguson (I believe--someone please correct me if I am wrong) . These staff
are greatly appreciated by those they serve. Tom Hintz is going to be in
charge of training with Francis Ferguson of Orlando handling training in
south Florida. It was requested that the organizational details be posted on
the IT website. Dan addressed the poor state of the IT websites saying they
are working on it and that the highest priority is the HelpDesk site at The death of Jack Haldeman
was mentioned as a big set back
for their web development efforts.
- There are +MAJOR+ things brewing at the overall level of UF. SAMAS goes
away in July of 2004 (UF is leaving the State system) and UF has joined a
consortium of 4 universities (North Florida, FSU and one other) requesting
bids for ERP software to oversee all aspects of university business. They
will be looking at modules that include Human Resources, Finance, Payroll,
Purchasing, Grant Management, Facitilities Operations and Work Orders, IT
Structure (I believe documentation was mentioned), Overall University
Management, and Student Management (the registrar). The goal is to have this
uniform across UF, with data entry and reporting done at the unit level via
a web interface. This means many current programs and offices will be
replaced or eliminated, including TRIPS, Payables, etc. This project
involves the purchase of approximately $20,000,000 of software. IFAS is
concerned with seeing that the systems handle data top meet our needs. Fedro
Zazueta is involved now at the UF level; his knowledge of IFAS's needs is
encouraging. Note added 6/7/02: UF now has a ERP website
- Motion passed on shutting down GNV email by Memorial Day!
All people still using GNV to access e-mail must be moved to Exchange. GNV
can be set to forward to their Exchange account. If a department maintains
their own mail server, they still must have an account on the Exchange
server. The account can be setup to forward to another account (e.g., or The desired result of the policy is to
make sending an e-mail through Outlook as transparent to the end-user as
possible. (Perhaps Chris could fill-in the ICC on details of what work is
being planned for the memorial day weekend?)
- UF's new IT Security Policy and IT Security Procedures
The new policies require IFAS to designate a Unit Information Security
(Unit ISM) who will be responsible for maintaining specific internal IT
resource documentation, security policies and procedures, and business
resumption plans. This IFAS level position will be held by Tim Nance. ICC
members should become the local ISM's for their departments. To make this
official and inform the various departmental chairmen of this arrangement,
it was suggested that each ICC member have their respective chairmen draft a
letter to Dan Cromer specifying them (i.e. the ICC member) as their
departmental security manager.
- Anonymous Public Shares
This topic was revisted from a previous meeting. Supposedly, the policy is
that they are not allowed at all. Where is it written? If not, then the
ICC should draft a formal recommendation for ITPAC to make policy. These
shares do not include PUBLIC folders shared that require domain
authentication for access.
- Password policy will be a topic at next ITPAC meeting. The ICC should
draft something to present to ITPAC.
- Having a single IFAS Domain was brought forward as a policy issue, but
discussion was interrupted until next meeting. The ICC needs to hear from
dissenters if their point of view is to be represented. Now is the time to
speak up!
- Unfinished business will be held over until the next meeting. Mention was
made of this possibly being in April or May.