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Procedures for

Return to IT/SA Services Documentation: Active Directory


There has been some discussion about ways to attribute users to machines.
The idea is to determine what machines each of our users operate. It
was decided that this could be facilated via additional logon and
logoff scripts. The scripts themselves are detailed below.


Set objNetwork = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConnection.Open "Driver={SQL Server};Server=IF-SRV-SQL02.AD.UFL.EDU;Database=AD-APPS"          
objConnection.Execute "INSERT INTO UsageLog (Username, Computer, Time, Action) VALUES ('" & objNetwork.ComputerName & "', '" & objNetwork.Username & "', '" & Now() & "', 'Logon')"


Set objNetwork = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConnection.Open "Driver={SQL Server};Server=IF-SRV-SQL02.AD.UFL.EDU;Database=AD-APPS"          
objConnection.Execute "INSERT INTO UsageLog (Username, Computer, Time, Action) VALUES ('" & objNetwork.ComputerName & "', '" & objNetwork.Username & "', '" & Now() & "', 'Logoff')"

Output stored in SQL

1          IF-99SVG41      hughescj           4/21/2006 5:21:06 PM    Logon
2          IF-99SVG41      hughescj           4/21/2006 5:23:08 PM    Logoff
3          IF-99SVG41      hughescj           4/21/2006 5:26:39 PM    Logon
4          IF-99SVG41      hughescj           4/21/2006 5:26:42 PM    Logoff

last edited 25 April 2006 by Steve Lasley