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Setting up handheld
devices to access Exchange:

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with thanks to Dwight Jesseman


This is based on a very small sample of experience (one), but may be useful to assist others in setting up similar devices.

EXAMPLE: Windows Mobile Cingular Treo 680:

The necessary configuration information is as follows:

  • server: webmail.ad.ufl.edu
  • username: gatorlink
  • password: gatorlink password
  • domain: ufad

Instructions for how to enter the above information are available within the Palm Knowledgebase within the "Set up an Exchange ActiveSync email account in VersaMail" section. Note that "Proxy server" and "VPN requirements" may be ignored for our purposes and none of the "Optional" settings must be changed. Overall, it is incredibly easy to configure.

last edited 8 May 2007 by Steve Lasley