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Agenda for 4/22/05 IT/SA Staff Meeting:

2:00pm - Building 120
Conference Room

Today's staff meeting will be streamed. The entire agenda will be centered around internal/external communications. First, I'm wanting to establish a sharply defined set of procedure for my staff and others to follow. Second, get them announced (at the next ICC meeting) and implemented, ASAP.

If you are not aware, IFAS/IT has implemented a "Customer to the HelpDesk first policy". (No direct access to my staff anymore.) I've already received concerns from the District support folks about access to my staff. I believe this is going to be a very interesting topic for all, and I would encourage everyone to participate. For this reason, I'm going to setup a polycom conference for the benefit of the remote folks. I'll post the conference information on the list prior to the meeting.

-Chris Leopold

last edited 6 May 2005 by Steve Lasley