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IT Taskforce 2005 Update for 10/14/04 ICC Meeting:

10 AM - ICS conference room

Courtesy of Joe Spooner...

  • The Update Team has completed and is finalizing the 1997 Report Update. We are in the final phases of categorizing what recommendations are still relevant, out of date or irrelevant.
  • The Update Team is also in the process of developing a basic external analysis report which will include organizational charts, strategies and basic recommendations if IT is to take a strategic approach for future needs/etc.
  • The Survey Team has issued the survey. I'm not certain at this point as to the number of successful entries, but there were some major problems with the survey. I'll proxy to Marion Douglas for more info.
  • The Web Team is complete. The person is hired and I'm skipping this meeting to meet with her and a few other folks regarding web support and development.
  • The final meeting for the 1997 Taskforce will be on October 19th sometime between 8 am and 12pm. The time is still tentative. Location as always is in bldg 116. conference room.

last edited 11 October 2005 by Steve Lasley