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IFAS E-mail address standardization workshop 8/11/05:

Courtesy of Dwight Jesseman...

The objectives of the proposed process:

  1. Every IFAS employee will have a GL@ufl.edu "reply to".
  2. All IFAS users will show up in the GAL
  3. **Every employee will go to the IFAS mail server for IFAS e-mail pickup

**This item cannot be fully realized without a mandate which administration is unable to provide

There will be two basic types of users:

Both types (see table below) will have SMTP:GL@ufl.edu...

  1. Users with mailboxes...
    • The details of whether additional mailboxes will be created by this process is not yet clear.
    • Forwards will have to be set within Gatorlink for these users. The address used requires a separate domain name and it has been decided these will be in the form "GL@my.ifas.ufl.edu"
    • Autoconfiguration of GL forward will not be possible if people choose to opt-out and check GL and IFAS e-mail separately. We must assume this will be the case.
  2. Users with forwards...
    • Clients currently forwarding to GL@ufl.edu will be left alone and not be forced to check at IFAS--effectively making them an "auto-opt out" category with regards to objective 3 above.
    • Accounts currently forwarding other places will have that forward moved to the GL setting and their account's Exchange setting will be replaced with a forward to GL@ufl.edu. This will provide the same end delivery result as they have presently, but will give the enduser the ability to change their forwarding address for themselves.
    • Many new forwards will be added, placing all IFAS accounts into the GAL.

Email account data as of 8 August 2005

Description # Type
Users with a mailbox 2884 1
   (16 with an "@ufl.edu" address)    
Users with external forwards 459 2
   (234 with an "@ufl.edu" address)    
Users w/o either a mailbox or external forward 2526 2
   (1856 with e-mail attribute of "@ufl.edu)    
   (319 with e-mail attribute not "@ufl.edu")    
   (351 with no e-mail attribute)    
Total User Objects in IFAS 5869  

It was hoped that a new "Exchange Mailbox" relationship could be added to PeopleSoft so directory coordinators could control the automatic creation of an Exchange mailbox for an individual. This would support other Exchange organizations outside IFAS as well. Again, this cannot be automated if anyone choses to check GL and IFAS e-mail separately. Also, such "OPT-outs" would prevent the easy use of RUS to automatically correct e-mail addresses should GL name changes occur with the upcoming increase in the allowed username length.

Opt-out whereby someone will be able to check e-mail separately at GL and IFAS is planned to be allowed, but is not going to be part of the original change. Those wanting that will have to complain once the change is made before that capability will be re-configured. Such users will have continuing e-mail delivery oddities whereby official IFAS e-mail will be delivered to GL.

There is some concern that failure to automate the GL forwarding will cause problems for GL administrators who might then insist that all SMTP be smarthosted through them. This could be used to justify removal of any opt-outs, should those occur. If opt-outs do not occur, we can go ahead with the automation plans.

last edited 13 August 2005 by Steve Lasley