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Recommendation on Active Directory:

  • Status: approved by ICC on 4/18/02

    1. IFAS IT provides centralized services that include the IFAS computer network (IFASDOM), and its core e-mail, web and file-sharing resources.
    2. These services are critical to the mission of IFAS.
    3. Current services are based on old technology that Microsoft is retiring in stages (http://www.microsoft.com/ntserver/ProductInfo/Availability/Retiring.asp). Because of this, moving to newer technologies is not optional, but rather a question of how and when.
    4. Those within IFAS IT who are responsible for these services do not have the resources necessary to develop, evaluate and deploy the newer technologies. Rather, their efforts are consumed in maintaining the current system. As a result, IFAS is falling critically behind.
    5. Because the newer technologies offer improved services, units that can muster the resources are beginning to develop such services individually and most units are simply doing without.
    6. These newer technologies are not structured such that they can be readily merged with centralized services after-the-fact. This has critical implications not only within IFAS, but also at the UF-wide level.
    7. IFAS IT should develop expertise in these new technologies immediately by making this a priority and allocating necessary resources to those staff responsible for these services. The cost to IFAS of delaying this development will far exceed the cost of the resources needed for its success.

    Dissent expressed by Dan Cromer: Objection to point #4. Resources exist that can be applied. IT has been waiting on a decision from UF before proceeding with AD. It was countered that development and maintenance of the expertise cannot wait and that resources to that end are needed now.

last edited 28 April 2002 by Steve Lasley