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ICC Meeting: |
IFAS COMPUTER COORDINATORS (ICC)JUNE 11th 2020 REGULAR MEETINGA meeting of the ICC was held on Thursday, June 11th, 2020, from the new ITSA Video Conference room in building 120, room 109! The meeting was chaired and called to order by Jimmy Anuszewski at about 10:02 am. PRESENT: Twenty-three members participated. Recorded Video: Video will be available here. NOTES: I hope everyone brought their own snacks :) Report from the chairmanMember news: Nothing new to report.
Patching updates... (previous discussion) Microsoft June's Microsoft patches are stil listed in the link. A listing of all security updates can be found here. As of this morning, the latest updates were June 9th. There were several Microsoft Office updates to the Apple version, as recently as 6/5/20. Please run AutoUpdater to install those updates. For info on other Microsoft updates for Macs, click here. Remote Desktop has also seen a recent update, which is critical considering many people are using RDP to work from their office computers. Also, if you are using OneDrive on your Mac, you may have to manually update to the latest version. (6/9/20) As a sidenote: If you're using the "beta" version of Outlook (I assume Windows is the same as Mac in this regard), I'm getting updates at a minimum of 3-4 a week. So please pay attention to that. Adobe Flash, Acrobat, Reader, Connect, along with several other Adobe products, have updates here. Last updates were June 9th.
Java Java updates were in April 14th for Java 8U251, for all major platforms. Release notes can be found here. Apple There have been several Apple updates (June 1st), including a new system (Catalina), security updates and printer driver updates. This includes High Sierra, Sierra and Mojave, along with iOS updates. SAS SAS University Edition recently had an update. Please visit this link. SAS Renewal is also upon us. JMP JMP 15 is now available through the UF Software Licensing Division. It is free. Sigmaplot Sigmaplot 14 is now available through the UF Software Licensing Division. ArcGIS ArcGIS licensing is due for renewal. Please visit this website if you need any info about purchasing a license. Two-Factor Authentication Two-Factor was expected to have all current and new staff enrolled by Fall, 2020. I believe that is still the goal, given the current situation with off-campus offices. Students will be mandated to enroll by June 22, 2020. https://it.ufl.edu/two-factor/support Videoconferencing and WAN discussionVideoconferencing topics (previous discussion) Skype Business, Please disable autolaunch on it and stop using it. Zoom updates are available, either through Software Center or through Zoom directly. With the current security situations on Zoom, I strongly encourage people to use Teams for their video meetings. I do know that with the majority of people working from home and Zoom 5.* being released, there were some problems with people updating. Please remember to use Software Center to do so (you may have to VPN in.) I believe there were some instances of Zoom not updating and I have found that if you had installed Zoom not using Software Center, then uninstalling Zoom and using Software Center to install it worked.) If you have faculty and/or staff that are still using Zoom for UF meetings, please encourage them to move to Teams. I'm not sure how it's been for everyone else, but having to repeat the security options for Zoom is tiring and not necessary when Teams is available. PolicyContent Management System (CMS) (previous discussion) UF currently has a committee to discuss the new branding and this includes a new web design, which will be T4, WP and static friendly. For more information, you can join the Team here. Updates as available. Last month's IT@UF Meeting Notes You can now view the notes from each meeting at this link ITSA Policy and UF IT Policy I've found it difficult to find the ITSA Computing Policy and the UF IT Policies, so I will provide the links here and keep them here. ITSA - http://imm.ifas.ufl.edu UF IT - http://www.it.ufl.edu/policies/ There will now be an ICC Policy Page that will keep track of policy and guidelines. These are not strict rules meant to dictate what must be done, but instead, a page of policies that are meant to help keep things running smoothly for each department and ITSA. You can find it here. ITPAC met on Monday, October 15th. The group agreed with recommended policies and will present them to Dr.Payne for final approval. Andrew Carey provided a link to fixing incorrectly named devices. You can find it here. I'm not sure if SIAC or IT@UF have held meetings over the past month, perhaps someone can inform us of any new information?
ProjectsPlease keep in mind that if you would like a TEAMs demostration, Joe and DeWayne are available to do so. Email either of them for more information.
ICC Retreat Andrew and I have been busier than normal, both with our personal lives and work, so I apologize for the retreat sort of falling on the back burner. As of right now, there are no plans in place to have a virtual retreat. We will revisit the idea this month and keep everyone posted.
OperationsIFAS IT Updates (previous discussion) Any updates from ITSA? Other Topics...
That's All Folks! The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 am. Our next meeting will be Friday, July 10th. Please be safe and as always, Go Gators!