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ICC Meeting: |
IFAS COMPUTER COORDINATORS (ICC)SEPTEMBER 13th 2019 REGULAR MEETINGA meeting of the ICC was held on Friday, September 13th, 2019, at the IFAS Administration building, 89, Room 109. The meeting was chaired and called to order by Jimmy Anuszewski at about 10:04 am. PRESENT: Twenty-three members participated. Recorded Video: Video will be available here. NOTES: Alan Yang and Umar Javed should be commended for their food/drink accomodations. Report from the chairmanMember news: Nothing new to report. Details about this meeting: We have special guests from Actiontec that are here to discuss Screenbeam products with us. Patching updates... (previous discussion) Microsoft September's Microsoft patches are stil listed in the link. A listing of all security updates can be found here. There were several Microsoft Office updates to the Apple version, as recently as 9/10/19. Please run AutoUpdater to install those updates. For info on other Microsoft updates for Macs, click here. Also, if you are using OneDrive on your Mac, you may have to manually update to the latest version. (9/12/19) Adobe Flash, Acrobat, Reader, Connect, along with several other Adobe products, have updates here. Last updates were September 10th. On the subject of Adobe, creating a package is indeed not working anymore. Until they allow it to be active, you will have to create an Adobe account for each user. Java Java updates were in July 16th for Java 8U221, for all major platforms. Release notes can be found here. Apple There have been several Apple updates (August 26th), including a new system update, security updates and printer driver updates. This includes High Sierra, Sierra and Mojave, along with iOS updates. iOS 13 is being released at the end of the month, so please be alert to that. SAS SAS University Edition recently had an update. Please visit this link. SAS Renewal is also upon us. JMP JMP 14 is now available through the UF Software Licensing Division. It is free. Sigmaplot Sigmaplot 14 is now available through the UF Software Licensing Division. Two-Factor Authentication Two-Factor was expected to have all current and new staff enrolled by July 1st. I haven't seen any updates on the stats. It does seem that Cisco bought the Duo Security, so time will tell how much changes over the next 6 months to a year. https://it.ufl.edu/two-factor/support Videoconferencing and WAN discussionVideoconferencing topics (previous discussion) Skype Business for Mac has updates that should install using your Microsoft Autoupdater. (Last update was on 9/10/2019) SfB for both major OS's should automagically update. Zoom updates are available, either through Software Center or through Zoom directly.
PolicyContent Management System (CMS) (previous discussion) Updates as available. Last month's IT@UF Meeting Notes You can now view the notes from each meeting at this link. ITSA Policy and UF IT Policy I've found it difficult to find the ITSA Computing Policy and the UF IT Policies, so I will provide the links here and keep them here. ITSA - http://imm.ifas.ufl.edu UF IT - http://www.it.ufl.edu/policies/ There will now be an ICC Policy Page that will keep track of policy and guidelines. These are not strict rules meant to dictate what must be done, but instead, a page of policies that are meant to help keep things running smoothly for each department and ITSA. You can find it here. ITPAC met on Monday, October 15th. The group agreed with recommended policies and will present them to Dr.Payne for final approval. Andrew Carey provided a link to fixing incorrectly named devices. You can find it here.
ProjectsPlease keep in mind that if you would like a TEAMs demostration, Joe and DeWayne are available to do so. Email either of them for more information. ICC Retreat I have gathered 2 large auditorium-sized projectors and a standard classroom projector for the TREEO center. I just received a Screenbeam 1100 and we have guests that would like to give us a short presentation and possibly answer some questions. OperationsIFAS IT Updates (previous discussion) DeWayne and Joe have been busy with Teams demos, which I'll let them discuss. Chris and Andrew would like to discuss a situation that involves data storage and UFIT. Do we have any SAIC updates?
Other Topics...
That's All Folks! The meeting was adjourned at 11:35am. Our next meeting will be October 11th!!!